Sunday, November 06, 2005


Pirates are cool. This time I don't mean media or software pirates, but real pirates with real boats and parrots. Well, maybe not parrots. I am a bit of a sucker for those kind of adventure books, my favorites being 20,000 leagues Under the Sea and The Confusion.

But pirates can be found in real life too.
A LUXURY cruise ship with 22 British tourists aboard survived an attack by Somali pirates armed with rocket-propelled grenades yesterday as it rounded the Horn of Africa.[...]
The liner used a sonic blaster to foil the pirates. Developed by American forces to deter small boats from attacking warships, the non-lethal weapon sends out high-powered air vibrations that blow assailants off their feet. The equipment, about the size of a satellite dish, is rigged to the side of the ship.

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