Sunday, May 08, 2005

The Smartest Guys in the Room

Remember Enron? What happened there? Do you really remember how it got all the way down to bankruptcy? The documentary Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room is a very through study on how Enron got to go from being 6 years in a row selected by Fortune as the most innovative company, to the biggest financial fraud, involving the biggest banks in the world and the most respected accounting firm. The movie stresses that this was not a story about complicated finances and numbers beyond mere mortal's comprehension, but a story of greed and human failure. There are checks and balances in the system, but everyone gave in, trusted Enron and their self proclaimed fame of being the smartest guys in Wallstreet. Very well documented information, like videos and audio tapes, also supported the connection between Enron and the California Blackouts, and how the Bush administration decided to not interfere. A well done documentary: informative, fast paced and scary.

The CEO, Skilling, claimed that his favorite book was Dawkins' The Selfish Gene. Well, he obvioulsy didn't read it carefully. A Darwinian system can only support so many parasites that do not produce anything.

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