Sunday, April 24, 2005

why i don't like star wars anymore

I saw Star Wars Revelations and got bored really fast, still I was amazed by its similarity to the Star Wars movies. It was only an excuse to have light saber battles and dog fights.

The story of the movie was really bad, but the production was good. It really felt like Star Wars.

The original Star Wars Trilogy was really great. At that time, it was hard to create a movie that defined a generation (now generations are defined each 4 or 5 years). It created an unequaled market of books, toys and paraphernalia.

However, this has stayed the same for nearly 20 years. There hasn't been anything new worth noting coming from the star wars universe. Episodes 1 and 2 were not that great and in my opinion they took part of the magic of the original trilogy. Now, as episode 3 is about to unveil, I am expecting more of the same. Throw some light saber battles and contact lenses to note Anakin's evilness. Star Wars Episode 3 will be the emperor's new clothes. Everyone will like it, but no one will know why.

The fact that any Star Wars product is a success without being really good is why I don't like Star Wars Anymore.

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