Monday, April 04, 2005

Useless, but interesting

When something is useless, call it art. Here is a web site were the artist describes some of her interesting "performances". I include quotes from some of my favorites.
Trapped. April 2003. This performance was part of my thesis series and dealt with love. I baited 100 mousetraps with candy hearts and backed myself into a corner, and then unbaited them with my hands. This was one of the most physically demanding performances I have ever done and during it I was witness to my own psychological conditioning: after getting my hands caught a few times it was incredibly hard to move my hands towards the traps again. This was a year and a half ago and I still have a mousetrap complex.

More Than You Bargained For. February 2003. This was part of a Valentine's Day show called Touchy Feely. I dressed up all cute and carried a box that said "Buy My Love, 25 Cents." I asked people really nicely to buy my love, and when they did turned into their worst nightmare girlfriend - pathalogically jealous, demanding, insane. They didn't get rid of me until someone else bought me. I was shocked at how many people said "Wow, you remind me of my ex-girlfriend."

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