Sunday, April 17, 2005

the special platinum limited extended edition remastered

The DVD industry has gone too far. I don't buy dvd's anymore for one simple reason, there will always be a better version.
I've seen this with numerous movies. Shrek , Life is Beautiful, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Saving Private Ryan and Star Wars are all movies that I love but I regret buying because there's already an "Even better version SPECIAL EDITION" of all of them. For some reason directors are never satisfied with their movies, there's always this thing they could never get right or this roll of tape that they didn't found good enough to include in the theater version.
George Lucas has made 5 different versions of the original trilogy. I wish that he finally decides when his "original vision" is met.
I also loved the first Matrix movie. It was great, an interesting concept, incredible technology and direction. And then those 2 brothers decide to kill such an incredible vision. The last thing I saw was an Ultimate Matrix Collection (The Matrix / Reloaded / Revolutions / Revisited / The Animatrix).
10 dvd's. TEN dvd's. Diez dvd's. Zehn dvd's. déka dvd's!!!
How can there be more special features than there is movie? I believe that "The making of... " of any movie must not be more complicated than the movie itself. At least VHS limited themselves to 15 extra minutes at the end of the movie.
This practice dissapoints faithful costumers that go and buy the movie as soon as it gets out because they are losing their money. Too bad that it took me 5 movies to understand this.
To avoid future dissapointments, I don't think I will ever buy more dvd's.

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