Sunday, April 24, 2005

How to Win Friends & Influence People

A sorority girl was telling me about fraternities, sororities and their initiations. For example, in a frat in San Antonio, they would rent a U-Haul, put the newcomers in the back with a Keg of beer and make them drink the whole thing on their way to Austin. Once in Austin, they would leave them overnight locked inside the U-Haul; so these drunk kids had to puke, piss, crap and sleep in the U-Haul until someone went to pick them up in the morning.

To this I just said: "I have never met a group of people that were so cool that I would be willing to go through that to be part of their click."

Then, she proceeded to explain in a lot of detail some other, even more humiliating things. For example, in many sororities they give them condoms and make them have sex with guys from a fraternity to get the "good" jersey, as opposed to the lame one.
Finally, she explained all the evidence that she found that support the rumors that in a certain frat they make the new guys have sex with a goat. She said she called her boyfriend to see how the initiation was going; and he just made fun of the new kids. But, in the background, she heard a goat. The next day, she went to a bathroom, and found porn mags, open condoms and animal hair all over the place. That day they roasted a goat at the frat, and made only the new ones eat it.

To this I just said: "You dated a goat fucker."
I don't think she liked my remark.

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