Thursday, July 06, 2006

deep thoughts on my favorite sandwiches

Phobos' post about the Beer battered deep fried bacon double and his comment on the Ricomini Special brought many succulent memories to my mind. I love sandwiches, they are practical, delicious and easy to acquire. However, there are some sandwiches that stand above the rest and having recently tried the Best Sandwich In The Country I was inspired to meditate on some of the sandwiches I've enjoyed the most.

Fat Darrell and Fat Cat

Who would've thought that a "put in there everything you have" sandwich would be so good. The Fat Cat has two cheeseburgers, French fries, lettuce, tomato and onions. The size is just enough to make you feel guilty, the meat feels of a strangely good quality for a grease truck and putting the French fries inside the sandwich saves you time. The Fat Darrell has chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks, French fries, marinara sauce, lettuce, tomatoes and onions. It too was delicious and the feeling of eating the Best Sandwich in the Country made it even better. That's one less thing to do before I die.

Ricomini Special

As Phobos said, this sandwich reduces your lifespan considerably. It is delicious but dangerous. It was so big that I couldn't finish it, my mind wanted to continue eating, but my body was telling me to stop. In part due to guilt and in part due to fear of death I decided to stick to salads and vegetables for two days after that.

La Viña's Pork Sandwich

Pork andSwisss cheese. That's it. All top quality. All delicious. I haven't eaten one in a while and I remember how they taste. Opposed to the other sandwiches, I could easily eat one of these everyday without getting tired. For some reason this sandwich tastes better when it's had to go. Something about the paperbag and the wax paper I suppose.

Nutella Sandwich

I was skeptical at first about this but I decided to trust my friend's suggestion and did an experiment with Phobos. Whoever thought of putting Nutella in white bread first was ageniuss. This is a very good breakfast sandwich. It doesn't make you feel guilty at all, instead it leaves you with a very nice feeling inside. It makes you want to tell someone that you feel happy because you ate Nutella Sandwich.

La Super Atomica's Tripleta

I have never been able to remember what ingredients go into Tripletas but I do remember all the happy tripleta moments I had when I was little. Sadly, La Super Atomica moved and has been replaced by different people along the years. The other guys can't make tripletas like they did, maybe it has to do with the memories of having tripletas for lunch with my father during my summer vacations or with the fact that the last time I had one I nearly died (at least it felt that way) of food poisoning.

Sandwich de mezcla

The best of the homemade sandwiches. Nothing beats one of these before going to sleep nor after waking up. THIS is the reason they invented peppers, Spam and Cheeze Whiz. They taste better when eaten by spiralling towards the center so that the last bite (and your fingers) is full of the mixture. Pure culinarry greatness, no wonder Borden decided to jump in the business of mezcla making.

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