Friday, July 21, 2006

The Checklist

I'm packing for a month long trip to South America. Destinations include Santiago de Chile (paid by a goverment agency), Rio de Janeiro (paid by the same goverment agency, including the Hotel at Copacabana) and Cuzco (paid by my student loans). This means that I won't be blogging much for the next month, but also that I've made a checklist. Here are some of its highlights:

Duct Tape - this MacGyveresque item comes in handy on almost every trip I do, from mending backpacks to wrapping souveniers.

USB Stick - with the slides for the talk I have to give.

Superglue - the nurse fucked up the dermabond on my finger today (see previous post), and I needed it to fix the liquid stitches. Yes, I have covered my wound with superglue. Yes, I plan to use more if the dermabond breaks.

Long novel - it will be a long trip. I haven't decided if I should take War and Peace or Les Miserables. Any suggestions?

Chess set - for the long and boring airplane trips.

Flask - for the long and boring airplane trips.

Digital SLR Camera - for attracting thieves in Rio and taking awesome pictures at Machu Picchu.

Scarf - for the Andian winter.

Swimsuit - for the Brasilian beaches.

Notable things that are not on the list 'cause I won't take them this time:

Laptop - I don't expect to find much free wifi there.

iPod - I don't want to carry too many valuables.

Physics books - I'll take physics papers instead.

Gotta go now, I still have a few more slides to write.

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