Tuesday, February 28, 2006

more on my childhood

I talked before about my childhood. Following are some experiences that I remember well and what I learned from them.

I asked Santa Claus for a cow so we would not have to buy milk.
 - I went outside that Christmas.
 - There was no cow outside.
I learned that Santa Claus can't fit a cow in his sleigh.

My aunt gave me many Cameo cookies once.
 - I could not eat all of them so I hid them on my pockets.
 - Those were my favorite red pants.
 - I don't like Cameos anymore.
I learned not to wash pants with cookies in the pockets.

I wanted to record Back to the Future 2.
 - My sister wanted to record Mary Poppins.
 - She never watched Mary Poppins.
 - I saw Back to the Future 2 five years later.
I learned how to program the VHS.

I was playing in my cousin's slide. 
 - My brother dared me to throw myself standing up.
 - I ruined everyone's good day.
I learned how NOT to use the slide.

I received some Legos for Christmas.
 - My brother got some imitation Legos.
 - He traded his "better" Legos for my uglier ones. 
 - He would not let me borrow his Legos.
I learned that Knights and Warriors Legos are more fun than Space "TYCO's"

I had a dog named Tandy.
 - Its puppies were named Apple, Honeywell, IBM and Hewlett-Packard.
I learned that dogs can't lift cars.

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