Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Best Part of Teaching

The best part of being a TA is sharing experiences with other TAs about how bad some students can be. I am lucky to have pretty smart and hardworking students all the time, but some others TA, well, they have students that would make sea cucumbers seem as smart as Dirac.

A physical science TA (the easiest science class in the university) was telling us about how he had the worst students ever. He caught two (2) football players cheating during a test; and he decided to wait until next class before telling them. Next class he started by telling the whole class how he caught some students cheating, and that they had two options. One, to turn themselves in, and they get a zero in the test. Or two, not do anything, and the TA would report them to the academic dishonesty forum, and let them process the situation; if found guilty, it would go in their permanent record. Twelve (12) students came after the class to confess that they had cheated.

Another TA was saying how she once taught math for poets (the easiest math course in the university), and how she had the dumbest student ever, some football player (why is it always football players? I really don't want to judge...). He couldn't add 1/2 + 1/4. Seriously. So, during a test he asks for help with that question. The TA being nice, decided to give him a hint: "Imagine that you run a distance of half a football field. Then you run one quarter of a football field. How much of the football field did you run?" "Oh yes! Got it! Thanks!!!!"
And of course, he answered in his test that 1/2 + 1/4 = 75 yards.

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