Monday, August 29, 2005

Popular knowledge

It is popular knowledge (but not clinical knowledge) that if you have constant abrupt temperature changes, such as air conditioner to the Tokyo heat, back and forth, it can lead to a cold.

It is also popular knowledge (and has some clinical support) that international traveling with serious time zone changes cause horrible jet lag that weakens your defense systems. In fact, it is common that 7 to 10 days after a trip like that people can get really strong colds.

You can see where this is going.

I woke up with a horrible cold yesterday, and suffered through many conference talks with it. I could not even understand what they were saying. I am pretty sure I had a really high fever that was creating a slight reality distortion field around me making me confused and dizzy. I had to head back to the hotel early, and more than once got into the wrong subway trains due to the mental state induced by the high fever.
Finally, after seriously considering paying around 10000 Yen for a taxi ride (taxis are SUPER expensive here) I somehow made it to my hotel, got to my room and collapsed there for 15 hours. I am feeling a lot better now.

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