Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Earth is NOT Moving

Fellow Creationists: It's wake-up time!!- Marshall Hall, in his book titled The Earth is Not Moving

The Earth is Not Moving.
Over the centuries, superstars in the physical sciences established the Copernican model as an unchallenged fact. This success paved the way for conquest of the biological sciences (Darwin et al). This transvaluation of values and philosophy (Nietzsche et al) then quickly spread to the social and behavioral sciences (Marx, Freud et al), to mathematics (Einstein et al), the Arts (Picasso et al), Education (Dewey et al), and so on through today's media reinforcement of all of the above.

The exact opposite of the Truth
Mathematics--utterly abstruse and esoteric--now became the primary instrument in the hands of Copernicans. The secular science establishment used this new priesthood of "mathematicians" to soften up the universities first, and then the churches. Thus was the way prepared for the acceptance of some real Bible-bashing by the coming "scientific" substitute for the six-day Creation of man and all else, viz., Darwinism.

Once Satan's counterfeit of God's Truth of an earth-centered geocentric universe gained control of "higher" education, the way was clear to foist his evolutionary counterfeit into the corridors of academia with very little opposition! The real spade work had already been done!

Copernicanism and Darwinism can't be separated!

1) No one--not Copernicus, not Kepler, not Galileo, not Newton, not Einstein--absolutely no one has proven the earth to be moving.

2) The earth moves only thru abstract, abstruse, and esoteric mathematics invented to make it move.

3) Over 200 truly scientific experiments using real mathematics have shown no earth movement, and these had the science establishment in a panic from the 1880's until Einstein came to the rescue in 1905 with his "relativity" hypothesis.

4) Relativity is pure claptrap and there isn't a person reading this who can't know that fact.

5) Foucault's Pendulum, the Coriolis Effect, and geostationary satellites do not prove a moving earth.

Testimonies about the book
"I read The Earth Is Not Moving two years ago. Your dissection of Einstein et al was excellent. I've had my suspicions for years. This same phony science plus psychology produced the man-made religion of "Ecology".... [Wanted geocentric model of movement of solar system.... Sent one.] David Peers, Gibsons, B.C., Canada

Price of the book: $20.


I. That the Bible teaches that the Earth is not moving AND CAN NOT BE MOVED.
II. That Mathematics have been invented specifically to uphold Copernicanism. There is no real evidence that the Earth moves.
III. The roles that Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton Einstein et al have played in giving this great lie its present universal grip on man's "knowledge".
IV. That the so-called "proofs" of the Earth's rotation ---The Coriolis Effect, Foucault's Pendulum, Geosynchronous Satellites --- prove nothing of the sort.
V. That the LOGIC against a moving Earth is both abundant and overpowering.
VI. That Zodiac and Parallax factors make the universe at least 25 times smaller than we are told.
VII. That the exposure of this great lie will precipitate a back-to-the-Bible movement that will shake the world.


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