Monday, January 23, 2006

puertorican pokemon

Puerto Rico is home to a small number of endemic animals which we feel strangely proud of. Obviously, they should be crafted into one of the most popular collectible animals franchises ever. Here are my suggestions as to what the Puertorican Pokemons should be:

Morivivi #12
Praying Pokemon

This pokemon closes its leaves when touched. It stands motionless waiting for someone to touch it and then attacks with its thorns.

Coquitirit #56
pest Pokemon

This pokemon lives in fregaderos and between the trees. Its characteristic song can be heard many miles away. Their colonies can grow to millions, damaging crops in their non native places.

Conchotoad #89
Sapo Pokemon

Considered by many to be ugly and repulsive, this pokemon is a farmer's best friend since it eats insects and other animals.

Cotorra #32
Endangered Pokemon

Hunted by the indigenous tribes of Puerto Rico, the number of cotorras has greatly diminished in the last years. It has a bright green plumage with some red and blue feathers.

Manatimon #42
Stupid Pokemon

Slow and heavy, this pokemon hardly does anything. It stays still when threatened, hungry, attacked, angry or frightened.

Chevy #65
Charro Pokemon

Mistaken by many to be human, this pokemon can be easily taught to perform many tricks.

Lagartijox #21
Small Lizard Pokemon

Very territorial, this pokemon will fight any other of its species that comes into its territory. It can grow its tail and specimens with up to three tails are known.

Carrucho #90
Big Shell Pokemon

Hunted for their delicious meat. The shell can be used in cheap crafts and sold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's make some models in playdough and sell them to Mattel.