First, I didn't know these people knew I even had a blog. We have tried to keep this anonymous in a weird way. If you know me, you shouldn't have any trouble identifying me as the blogger; if you don't know me, I wouldn't want you to be able to track me down to figure out who am I in real life. I haven't been very good about this, but it has been good enough to pass under the google radar.
Secondly, I didn't think that many people would even care about the blog. We have had these blog for almost two years now, and its topics and structure have varied quite a bit, true to its "Random" description; but also horrible for preserving loyal readers. Every now and then people comment on the posts, but they do it anonymously (as opposed to pseudonymously, which I enjoy), which makes it difficult to see if there is any consistency in what people like or dislike.
Many of my friends have their own blogs, and they all excel on things like having a more loyal audience, having a much larger audience, living better lives, being more interesting and intelligent, being more focused and insightful, and being better writers overall. But, if there was a blogging competitions among my blog-friends and us, Jala^2 could only win in one (and only one) category: most blogs per unit of time.
We just post a lot of random shit, from weird internet stuff that we steal from other blogs, to personal rants about politics, to travel diaries, to just pure crap. Unapologetically, sometimes I feel I haven't posted anything in a long time, and I just find some random crap on the internet as a filler. Yes, I am that kind of guy.
From the few things I have heard from my readers, it seems that people tend to like my travel diaries. I haven't been able to find a voice for these. In fact, I have tried on purpose to use different styles for each trip, some not as successful as others. I have even toyed with the idea of posting pictures of my trips.
I love traveling, and I love travel diaries, but I can't travel often enough to write about just that. So, here is what I'm asking of you. What do you like of Jala^2? Which posts were your favorites? Which topics bore you? What would you like to see more and less here? I know I change languages quite often, what are your thoughts on this? This is the time, Readers (yes, all 3 of you) to comment and help Jala^2 go on as one of your internet destination when you need to procrastinate. I would greatly appreciate the feedback.
I will leave you with a picture of a two-headed pigglet, that represents the dualness of Jala-Jala and its love for pigs.

A los lectores del blog, por lo menos a éste, lo que le gusta es la mezcla, la variación, la sorpresa. Desde una disquisición científica, usualmente larguisimas, los travel diaries, las observaciones sociales, los gourmet pages (hace tiempo no hay una), las nerderias como la traducción de la canción sobre un pobre lechon... todo, las sorpresas y hasta los sustos.
El cerdo: lo que parece tener es un culo, más bien ano, enorme, pero luego veo los dos hocicos... ugh! ¿Hay que ser científico para apreciar esas cosas, o solamente fanático de Ripley's y otras anormalidades como esas?
regular fan:
Gracias por comentar. Me alegro que te divierta lo algarete del blog y que lo veas como algo positivo. Si, es cierto, hace tiempo no hablo de comida, que es un tema que me gusta mucho. Lo pondre en rotacion de nuevo. Hay algunos posts en particular que te parecieron particularmente buenos o malos?
Siento mucho que compares la deformidad de los ojos de ese pobre chanchito con un culo. Yo veo hermosura en el deseo de vivir del bicefalo.
Phobos: You had to humble me with your comment?
Tienes toda la razón del mundo! Lo importante es el optimismo y las ganas de hacer y aprender... y las ganas de vivir. Por eso es que me gusta tu blog. Tiene tanta salud mental que me mantiene alerta sobre lo que de verdad importa. Y me aleja de mi locura.
Fo! que filosófico me he puesto. Pero mis comentarios son espontáneos, si los pienso mucho, no los hago.
Todos los blogs son buenos y entretenidos, aun lo más aburridos.
Abanico Regular:
Piensa en Jala^2 teniendo en su ojo que-parece-un-culito el brillo del optimismo, en un hocico las ganas de hacer, y en el otro las de aprender.
I told you:)...
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